Christmas Ideas"At home, at sea, in many distant lands, This Kingly Feast without a rival stands!" - W. F. DAWSON.Great Christmas IdeasThere are many tips and Christmas Ideas that can make Christmas more fun. I've always wished for a White Christmas but living on the Southern tipof Africa pretty much guarantees that the only white will be my sun blockand maybe the cream on the Christmas Pudding. So how does Christmas have anything to do with Chicken Recipes you may ask? Well some people are not particularly struck on cooking a huge big turkey and so Roast Chicken is a wonderful alternative. While Christmas is a joyous time, it does bring with it the emotional stress and financial strain that can drain your energy. I found a few time and money saving tips that havehelped me regain control (only to lose it to the toddler) and actually enjoy this festive holiday season. Probably my favourite one that I don't do often enough is to hand craft my own Christmas gifts. It's a most rewarding project and very meaningful to the receiver of the gifts. Homemade Christmas gifts should not be left to Christmas Eve. That is a recipe for disaster and frustration. ![]() Christmas Ideas For cards If you have the gift of words, you can put your gift into writing by making a personalized poem or song. Including a personal Christmas poem on your Christmas cards envokes many emotions and is a great way to dwell on things you love most about the person the greeting card is for. You can realy personalise your Christmas cards by having a family portrait on the front, perhaps with everyone wearing a red Christmas/Santa hat. Christmas Ideas For Gifts If you have a big family and dread having to buy a gazillion presents then consider the the implementation of a Pollyanna into your gift-giving circle. Everyone puts their name into a hat and then names are drawn out by each person. Whoever you choose is the person for whom you purchase a Christmas gift. This really does cut down on time and money spent during the holidays. If you have one person on which to focus then you can really take your time and shop for something special. In our family we try, sort of, to keep the presents under a certain amount and then rather spend money on a birthday present. Grandparents do not find it easy to adhere to this policy though. We've also tried the policy of only buying for the kids under 13 years old. This worked quite well.
Christmas Planning IdeasWe all know we should plan ahead with gift buying and Christmas planning. In the spirit of keeping it simple, make your lists in September, finish greeting cards by October and shop online. Those few tips, if you follow them, will definately help maintain your sanity. In the madness of the actual day, you might not have your hands free to capture those special memories on camera. How about getting the kids to take them with disposable cameras that you put as a gift in their stockings. A good Christmas idea for a party is to have a Potluck or a "bring-n-share" as we call it in South Africa. Everyone brings something to share. It is of great importance that the host / hostess co-ordinates who is bringing what to share so you don't end up with 12 salads and nothing else.
Christmas Giving![]() A wonderful Christmas Idea in the spirit of giving is to remember those less fortunate than yourself and look for opportunityto give back to the community. You won't have to look far for an organisiation that can use your time and resources. Sometimes, if you are able to take the focus off yourself you can restore balance to your life. Take some time to get involved by visiting a homeless shelter, donating your time at a food kitchen, or reading to a child in the hospital. You’ll be surprised at how much joy you'll receive back.
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