Crock Pot Chicken Casserole Recipe
Winter Warmer Slow Cooker Casserole
This is another easy crock pot chicken casserole recipe to try in your slow cooker. Chicken Casseroles go well with rice or couscous. Basmati rice is one of my favourites. I always add a teaspoon of sugar to the Basmati when it's done to bring out the flavour.
Slow Cooker Casserole Ingredients - 1½kg (3lb) chicken breast
- 25g (1oz) butter
- 2 onions sliced
- 2 celery sticks, chopped
- 2 small green peppers, sliced
- 2 Leeks sliced
- 250g button mushrooms, halved
- 1 tablesppon (15ml) flour
- 375ml (15 fl oz)
chicken stock
- Salt and pepper
Crockpot Chicken Casserole Cooking InstructionsMelt the butter in a large pan and brown the chicken pieces. cook them for a further 10 minutes. Place them in the crock pot. In the same pan, fry the vegetables for 5 minutes,remove and place in the crock pot around the chicken. Stir flour into the remaining fat in the pan. Season with saltand pepper and slowly add the chicken stock. Bring to the boil and then pour over the ingredients in the crock pot. Cover and cook for about 3 - 4 hours. Serve with rice.
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